Jesus said, “I AM the Door.”

So far in our summer series on the “I AM” statements of Jesus, we’ve taken time for these topics…

  1. “Before Abraham was, I Am.” John 8:58. Jesus’ way of saying, “My name is God.”

  2. “I Am the Bread of Life.” John 6:35

  3. “I Am the Light of the World.” John 8:12

  4. “I Am the Door… John 10:9

It's interesting that doors are two-dimensional. That is, you can use a door either to go out... OR go in. We usually think of Jesus as a door IN to a better life, and that's certainly true. But it's also possible to think of Jesus as a door OUT of a life of chaos, confusion, stress, anxiety, or depression, and so on. So if your life has you feeling like you’re lost in a maze, ask Jesus to help you. Since Jesus is the Light of the World, more specifically the Light of YOUR world, he can light the steps for you to take to find Jesus The Door… OUT of the maze you feel stuck in… and IN to a life of forgiveness, peace and love. Try it… because “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”


Come one, come all…The door is open to EVERY one!


Christ has risen from the dead! Why should we care?